Spotlight Sundays: Reimagining Justice — A Conversation with Malkia Devich-Cyril & Jessica Lanyadoo, with Music by Mahsa Vahdat
詹姆斯-莫尔剧院In celebration of Women’s History Month, join us for an interactive conversation with Black liberation advocate, Malkia Devich-Cyril, and activist-astrologer, Jessica Lanyadoo. They will discuss how moments of great personal and collective challenges can become transformative forces in the fight for social justice and liberation.The event will begin with a call-and-response musical performance by internationally acclaimed Iranian Bay Area based singer Mahsa Vahdat and musician, Atabak Elyas. Vahdat, a passionate advocate for women’s rights, has courageously defied restrictions on female singers in Iran. Her voice blends her rich cultural heritage with universal themes of resistance and resilience. Together, we’ll engage in a collective experience to imagine a more equitable and just world.