


展览 大厅 Born of the Bear Dance: Dugan Aguilar’s Photographs of Native California

Experience the diverse voices of California’s Indigenous peoples as they shape the present and future through the lens of celebrated Indigenous photographer Dugan Aguilar.

OMCA’s latest exhibition, Born of the Bear Dance: Dugan Aguilar’s Photographs of Native California offers guests a first look at a significant collection that highlights Indigenous endurance and explores the vivid tapestry of contemporary Indigenous California life.

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专题 自然科学馆 你在这里。地图上的加州故事


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专题 历史画廊 黑色力量

通过加州历史画廊的一个引人注目的补充,揭开加州黑人权力运动的历史。作为对2016年广受欢迎的展览 "人民的力量 "的回应。这个装置展示了加州黑人反种族主义活动家支持其社区和挑战美国政府的创造性方式。

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专题 自然科学馆 OMCA儿童:自然游乐空间


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专题 艺术画廊 Ancestral Visions

Fashion, family histories, and personal identity intersect in a new installation at OMCA by Bay Area artist Chelsea Ryoko Wong. Wong’s energetic and colorful paintings, drawn from both real-life events and her imagination, depict busy, rhythmic scenes of people going about their daily lives. For this project, Wong’s paintings take inspiration from dresses owned by seven 20th century Chinese American women, whose clothing and legacies live on in OMCA’s collection. Ancestral Visions features paintings along with a selection of the fashions that inspired them. Visitors to the installation are invited into the world of the dresses and the women who wore them to ponder history, the value of what we wear to future generations, and the role of clothing as an expression of identity. Dresses that belonged to Rose Setzo, Sophia Chang Wong, Grace Dea, Lei Kim Lim, Chop Chin Chum, and Sun Fung Lee Wong caught Wong’s eye and are re-envisioned in the abstract narratives of her vibrant work.

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专题 艺术画廊 Collecting a Moment

This selection of new additions to the OMCA collection highlights the art and culture of the moment and illuminates history in the making. The works in the installation are the result of OMCA’s new collecting process that seeks to respond to timely issues that impact the communities of Oakland and California. Representing a move away from more traditional museum collecting priorities, Collecting the Moment shows some of the ways we center our institutional relationships with diverse community groups and voices. This ongoing and changing installation will reveal some of the many ways California artists, activists, and others claim cultural space, question societal norms, gain power, and engage the larger questions of our time.

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展览 大厅 Calli: The Art of Xicanx Peoples

Experience intergenerational, feminist, queer, and Xicanx-Indigenous artworks offering ancestral forms of liberation, healing, and being at Calli: The Art of Xicanx Peoples, only at OMCA.

Calli layers multiple artistic perspectives, featuring posters from late queer Chicana activist and professor Margaret “Margie” Terrazas Santos’ collection in conversation with contemporary works by Xicanx artists who expand the horizons of possibility, inspiring reflection and fostering dialogue about a world in which we can all belong.

展览 大厅 Por el Pueblo:
The Legacy & Influence of Malaquías Montoya

探索奇卡诺艺术家Malaquías Montoya的活生生的影响,他作为一个为公众服务的艺术家、活动家和社区长者的遗产对奇卡诺社区内外的年轻一代起到了激励作用。蒙托亚的海报、平面印刷品和壁画突出了政治和社会正义问题,在近五十年中帮助定义了奇卡诺人的身份。

展览 大厅 进入光明:来自《创意探索》、《创意成长》和NIAD的艺术家们

在与湾区三个深刻的机构合作下,Into the Brightness。来自Creativity Explored、Creative Growth和NIAD的艺术家们庆祝了当代发展障碍艺术家的无数作品。

展览 大厅 安吉拉-戴维斯-把握时间


展览 大厅 海拉女权主义者

女权主义。这是一个饱含深意的词;对一些人来说是有力量的,对另一些人来说是有挑战的。OMCA通过《Hella Feminist》来探讨这个复杂而及时的话题,颂扬奥克兰和湾区鲜为人知的女权主义故事。

展览 艺术馆 伊迪丝-希思。粘土中的生命

开拓者。反叛者。革命者。探索希斯陶瓷的创始人和设计师伊迪丝-希斯的故事。希思改变了陶瓷行业,用加州粘土创造出适合 "周日最佳 "和日常使用的餐具。
