




星期五 Nights at OMCA with Oakland Ballet Company


This 星期五 Night, packed full of dance, music and celebration kicks off with a captivating performance by the Oakland Ballet Company, showcasing excerpts from La Luna Mexicana. This enchanting presentation captures the essence of Dia de los Muertos, blending vibrant dance, colorful costumes, and joyous music to honor family and tradition in an elaborate celebration.


Spotlight Sundays: Buffalo Soldiers and the Philippine American War—A Multimedia Experience

OMCA Garden 1000 Oak Street, Oakland, California, United States

In honor of Filipino American History Month, join us for a moving multimedia experience highlighting stories of African American soldiers and Filipinos during the Philippine–American War. Developed by John Calloway, this artistic showcase combines live music, Indigenous dance, and spoken word to narrate powerful depictions of this history and the fight for freedom. The program will be emceed by Mario Nomi from the Oakland based Filipino Advocates for Justice. 

$1 - $30

星期五 Nights at OMCA with La Doña


This 星期五 night at OMCA, don’t miss the grand finale of our 2024 星期五 Nights season! We’re thrilled to welcome the phenomenal La Doña to our garden stage. With her groundbreaking fusion of Latin Femmeton, hip hop, jazz, and cumbia, La Doña delivers a powerful performance that blends ancestral traditions with modern diasporic sounds. Her shows are more than just concerts—they’re transformative ceremonies that unite audiences through music, dance, and collective action.


Special Guest Gallery Chats: Yolanda Ronquilo, Rosa Terrazas, and Irene Perez

OMCA大会堂 加利福尼亚州奥克兰市奥克1000号

For OMCA’s 30th annual Día de los Muertos community celebration, please join us 星期六, 10月 27 from 1 to 2 pm in the Great Hall  for a special edition of Gallery Chats led by Yolanda Ronquillo, Rosa Terrazas, and Irene Perez, friends and family of Margaret ‘Margie’ Terrazas-Santos, whose poster collection inspired is on view in OMCA’s  latest special exhibition, Calli: The Art of Xicanx Peoples. Yolanda, Rosa, and Irene will share reflections, stories, and memories and lead visitors in a hands-on activity to honor Margie Terrazas-Santos’ life, work, and enduring legacy. 

Admission ticket required


晚间时间 星期四业余时间

在奥马哈体验 "周四余暇"--您每周都可以在博物馆度过一个充满鸡尾酒、文化和社区氛围的夜晚。您可以在米歇尔-麦奎恩(Michele McQueen)主厨主理的 Town Fare Cafe 咖啡馆里,在音乐声中品尝饮品和小吃,或者在晚上探索画廊,那里有专为成年人准备的即兴表演、聊天、现场绘画等活动! 

晚间时间 周五晚上在OMCA与 "脱网 "合作

奥克兰最受欢迎的每周免费街区派对 "Off the Grid 周五之夜 "将于 4 月至 10 月在 OMCA 举行!

每周五下午 5 点至 9 点,您可以与家人、朋友和社区成员欢聚一堂,欣赏现场音乐、参加动手活动、OTG(Off the Grid)餐车,还可以凭博物馆门票在深夜参观我们的画廊和特别展览。

画廊活动 OMCA 画廊聊天室

加入我们的 "画廊聊天室",有机会与我们热情、知识渊博的 OMCA 指导员聊天并提问。


第三个周日 聚焦周日

每隔三个星期天,东方华侨博物院都会邀请游客参加 "聚焦星期天 "活动,这是一系列展示加州有识之士的对话、表演和体验活动。

第一主日 第一主日

每个月的第一个周日,OMCA 加州艺术、历史和自然科学展厅的普通门票免费,大厅内的特别展览门票优惠价为 6 美元。

社区庆祝活动 农历新年


社区庆祝活动 耶稣受难日

我们与 OMCA 的亡灵节委员会合作,在每年十月和十一月庆祝亡灵节。

社区活动 白色大象销售


画廊活动 群组聊天

知识渊博的主持人将在 OMCA 美术馆与您的团队分享见解,帮助他们理解意义。
