Community Conversations: Reclaiming Democracy, Building Belonging
詹姆斯-莫尔剧院OMCA’s Spotlight Sundays is excited to introduce “Community Conversations,” a new series in partnership with The Othering & Belonging Institute (OBI). This new series of conversations will create a space to foster public dialogue and engagement around emerging community topics.
The program’s first installment this 一月 will explore the topic of Reclaiming Democracy, Building Belonging. The panel will include john a. powell, Director of OBI and Professor of Law, African American and Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Berkeley along with a diverse set of other visionary community organizers and youth leaders. The panel will be moderated by Ashley Gallegos who leads the Places of Belonging work at OBI.
星期四 After Hours at OMCA with Sketchboard Co. Live Figure Drawing
OMCA校园Bring your sketch pads and appetites to kick off the second season of 星期四 After Hours at OMCA. Mix and mingle over music by DJ Mark DiVita and delightful cocktails prepared in OMCA’s Town Fare Café. After bites and beverages, head over to the Gallery of California History for uninstructed live figure drawing sessions hosted by Sketchboard Co.
星期四 After Hours at OMCA with Lyla 6月
OMCA校园This 星期四, the Great Hall—home to OMCA’s current special exhibition Born of the Bear Dance: Dugan Aguilar’s Photographs of Native California—will come alive with can’t-miss pop-up performances by Lyla 6月. With her soulful, textured, and multi-genre sound, Lyla 6月’s music powerfully amplifies the voices of Indigenous Peoples while inspiring audiences of all walks of life to forge a deeper connection to themselves and the earth. In between her captivating performances, guests can explore OMCA’s award-winning galleries or relax at Town Fare Café with delicious bites, beverages, and music by DJ Mark DiVita.
星期四 After Hours at OMCA with Sketchboard Co. Live Figure Drawing
OMCA校园Bring your sketch pads and appetites to another 星期四 After Hours at OMCA. Mix and mingle over music by DJ Mark DiVita and delightful cocktails prepared in OMCA’s Town Fare Café. After bites and beverages, head over to the Gallery of California History for uninstructed live figure drawing sessions hosted by Sketchboard Co.
24th Annual Lunar New Year at OMCA: Year of the Snake
OMCA大会堂 加利福尼亚州奥克兰市奥克1000号Gather with us at OMCA for our 24th Annual Lunar New Year Celebration. Celebrate and honor Lunar New Year traditions through family-friendly storytelling, performances, activities, and more. Come together to uplift AAPI communities and explore the shared connections between Asian cultures of the Bay Area.

在奥马哈体验 "周四余暇"--您每周都可以在博物馆度过一个充满鸡尾酒、文化和社区氛围的夜晚。您可以在米歇尔-麦奎恩(Michele McQueen)主厨主理的 Town Fare Cafe 咖啡馆里,在音乐声中品尝饮品和小吃,或者在晚上探索画廊,那里有专为成年人准备的即兴表演、聊天、现场绘画等活动!

奥克兰最受欢迎的每周免费街区派对 "Off the Grid 周五之夜 "将于 4 月至 10 月在 OMCA 举行!
每周五下午 5 点至 9 点,您可以与家人、朋友和社区成员欢聚一堂,欣赏现场音乐、参加动手活动、OTG(Off the Grid)餐车,还可以凭博物馆门票在深夜参观我们的画廊和特别展览。

加入我们的 "画廊聊天室",有机会与我们热情、知识渊博的 OMCA 指导员聊天并提问。

每隔三个星期天,东方华侨博物院都会邀请游客参加 "聚焦星期天 "活动,这是一系列展示加州有识之士的对话、表演和体验活动。

每个月的第一个周日,OMCA 加州艺术、历史和自然科学展厅的普通门票免费,大厅内的特别展览门票优惠价为 6 美元。


我们与 OMCA 的亡灵节委员会合作,在每年十月和十一月庆祝亡灵节。


知识渊博的主持人将在 OMCA 美术馆与您的团队分享见解,帮助他们理解意义。