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Próximos eventos

Member Bonus Reciprocity Month at BAMPFA

Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive 2155 Center St, Berkeley, California, United States

Join us in a celebratory partnership between the Oakland Museum of California and the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive (BAMPFA) with this bonus reciprocity month-long event! 

For the full month of Julio, enjoy free admission to BAMPFA for 2 guests per membership.

Gratuito para los socios

Viernes Nights at OMCA with The Dogon Lights ft. Mamadou Sidibe

Campus OMCA

Switch it up this Viernes night at OMCA as we welcome the innovative sounds of The Dogon Lights ft. Mamadou Sidibe to the Garden Stage. Self-described as “West Africa meets West Oakland,” this crew makes seriously danceable music with a mix of African vocals and instruments paired with Hip Hop and funk. Get further perspective with an immersive genre-defying sonic experience created and performed by Sami Freeman. Using a blend of deep bass, synth, and organic instrumentation, Freeman’s music moves the audience through a shifting cinematic soundscape. DJ Sizzle is sure to get you to shift your body and find new angles on the dance flow with an irresistible mix of Cumbia, Reggaeton, Salsa, Banda, Merengue, Hip Hop, RNB, Top 40’s, and more!


Viernes Nights at OMCA with The Souls of Mischief

Campus OMCA

Celebrating 30 years since their debut album, The Souls of Mischief return to their hometown Oakland and take the Garden stage at Viernes Nights at OMCA. After more than 150 shows worldwide, Souls of Mischief will perform a mix of tracks from their classic album, 93 Til Infinity, as well as other favorites. This will be a night full of great memories—both old and new. Prepare for high-energy, classic, homegrown Hip Hop!


Spotlight Sundays: Panel Talk and Presentation with Chicana Artists Celia H. Rodriguez, Yreina D. Cervantez, and Cherrie Moraga

James Moore Theater +1 more

This artist talk will showcase the art and practice of renowned artists Celia H. Rodriguez, Yreina D. Cervantez, and Cherrie Moraga featured in OMCA’s newest special exhibition, Calli: The Art of Xicanx Peoples. These seasoned Chicana artists will share their over forty years of public praxis, informed by feminism and Xicanx Indigenous perspectives. We are honored to host these celebrated womxn on our OMCA stage. Please join us for this important and lively conversation.

This Spotlight Sundays program is a part of our exhibition programming for Calli: The Art of Xicanx Peoples

Escala móvil

Semi—Annual Member Shop Sale

Gran Sala OMCA 1000 Oak, Oakland, California

Join us onsite and online for the bi-annual Member sale at the OMCA Shop! From Viernes, Julio 26 through Domingo, Julio 28, OMCA Members enjoy double their regular discount on regularly priced items in our Shop – that’s 20% off!

Member Benefit Alert!

Viernes Nights at OMCA with The Whoadees

Campus OMCA

Julio’s final addition to Viernes Nights at OMCA brings The Whoadees to the Garden stage! Self-described as “a gumbo of styles and sounds from around the globe including roots sounds of world music, Hip Hop, funk, and jazz,” the Whoadees stay true to their Bay Area roots by bringing a fusion of multiple genres to the mix inspiring you to dance or simply close your eyes and be filled with soulful sounds.


Special Guest Gallery Chats: Photography Workshop with Black Film Guild

OMCA Gallery of California Art 1000 Oak St, Oakland, California, United States

Join us for this unique in-gallery photography workshop led by director, photographer, and Executive Director of the Black Film Guild, Walter Wallace. This multifaceted workshop is a unique way to learn essential photography techniques from an experienced instructor, while exploring the OMCA galleries and building community. This is a wonderful opportunity for photography enthusiasts of all levels. 

Admission ticket required

Viernes Nights at OMCA with BULULÚ

Campus OMCA

Let the summer heat and Viernes Nights at OMCA ignite you this Agosto! BULULÚ sets our Garden stage alight with an electrifying blend of Latin dance music and Caribbean rhythms that’s guaranteed to get you and your crew dancing. BULULÚ is sure to make this Viernes Nights at OMCA full of savory beats, engaging performances, and even a few exciting surprises along the way. 


Actos continuos y anuales

Horario de tarde Jueves a deshora

Disfrute de Jueves After Hours en el OMCA, su noche semanal en el Museo, llena de cócteles, cultura y comunidad. Disfrute en el Town Fare Cafe de la chef Michele McQueen, donde podrá degustar bebidas y aperitivos con música de fondo, o explore las galerías, que cobran vida por la noche con una mezcla de actuaciones emergentes, charlas, dibujos en directo y mucho más, ¡solo para adultos! 

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Horario de tarde Viernes por la noche en OMCA con Off the Grid

Vuelven los viernes por la noche en OMCA con Off the Grid, la fiesta semanal gratuita favorita de Oakland, de abril a octubre.

Reúnase con la familia, los amigos y la comunidad todos los viernes de 17:00 a 21:00 para disfrutar de música en directo, actividades prácticas, camiones de comida Off the Grid (OTG) y acceso nocturno a nuestras galerías y exposiciones especiales, con una entrada al Museo.

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Galería de eventos Charlas de galería en OMCA

Únase a nosotros en las Charlas de Galería, una oportunidad para charlar y hacer preguntas a nuestros entusiastas y expertos facilitadores de OMCA.


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Tercer domingo Domingos destacados

Cada tercer domingo, OMCA invita a los visitantes a Spotlight Sundays, una serie de conversaciones, actuaciones y experiencias que muestran a visionarios californianos.

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Primeros domingos Primeros domingos

Todos los primeros domingos de mes, la entrada general a las Galerías de Arte, Historia y Ciencias Naturales de California del OMCA es gratuita y las entradas para las exposiciones especiales de nuestro Gran Salón se ofrecen a un precio reducido de 6 $.

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Celebración comunitaria Año Nuevo Lunar

OMCA celebra el Año Nuevo Lunar y explora las conexiones compartidas entre las diversas culturas asiáticas del Área de la Bahía. Estos programas familiares incluirán ofertas virtuales y presenciales que celebran y honran las tradiciones del Año Nuevo Lunar a través de cuentos, actuaciones, actividades, demostraciones de cocina y mucho más. La OMCA ofrece un espacio para que nuestras comunidades AAPI se reúnan y se eleven mutuamente con círculos de curación tanto presenciales como virtuales.

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Celebración comunitaria Día de los Muertos

En colaboración con el Comité del Día de los Muertos de OMCA, honramos el Día de los Muertos cada octubre y noviembre.

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Acto comunitario Venta de Elefantes Blancos

La Junta de Mujeres del Museo de Oakland inició la venta de elefantes blancos hace más de sesenta años. Este evento anual es imperdible.

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Galería de eventos Chats de grupo

Facilitadores expertos compartirán ideas y ayudarán a dar sentido a su grupo en las galerías de la OMCA.

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