

(加州奥克兰)--2016年7月,加州奥克兰博物馆(OMCA)将举办一个新的展览,探索 通过社区的眼睛看到的 西奥克兰当前和加速的社会、经济和人口变化 题为 " 奥克兰,我想让你知道...... "的展览将展出由艺术家和社区组织共同创作的艺术作品,以及数百名奥克兰学校儿童的作品。博物馆的参观者被邀请考虑构成社区的人和地方,想象他们在塑造奥克兰的未来方面可以发挥的一些作用。 在奥克兰博物馆的加州艺术画廊展出,展览提出了一个问题 "奥克兰的新居民和长期居民如何在塑造我们城市不断变化的身份方面发挥积极作用,同时保留使奥克兰独特的方面?"


该展览由OMCA公共实践策展人Evelyn Orantes艺术家和社会正义实践者Chris Treggiari合作策划,将于2016年7月23日至10月30日举行。

奥克兰,我想让你知道......是一个多年的艺术家/社区驱动的系列的一部分,旨在回应重要的社区需求,并激励加州奥克兰博物馆周围的居民--唐人街、弗里特维尔、圣安东尼奥、上城和西奥克兰--以及更广泛的湾区社区,连接到他们的个人创造力并表达他们的文化身份。该系列的其他项目包括成功的展览 "谁是奥克兰"和 "告诉我镜子去哪儿了", 所有这些都得到了 詹姆斯-欧文基金会的部分支持

策展人Evelyn Orantes说:"像许多社区一样,西奥克兰的核心是一种归属感和对邻居的关心。奥克兰,我想让你知道......探讨了在快速变化的时代,我们都可以在塑造社区方面发挥积极作用。我们邀请游客参与这个对话,讨论这些变化所提供的机会,以及我们如何能够保护使西奥克兰充满活力和独特的东西。


参照在西奥克兰发现的建筑和社区的真实例子,如新建造的阁楼和历史悠久的维多利亚式房屋,参观者将遇到朱莉-普拉森西亚的 强有力的照片,记录邻居之间不同文化、社会经济阶层和宗教信仰之间的关系。著名纪录片导演Alex Frantz Ghassan的视频装置展示了奥克兰社区成员的故事,他们对城市化有着不同的看法。一辆西奥克兰BART列车的复制品将容纳青年广播电台获奖的 "西区故事",这是一张互动地图,揭示了该地区直接受绅士化影响的地标和社区。

作为一个繁荣的蓝调和爵士乐社区,西奥克兰曾经被认为是 "西部的哈莱姆",西奥克兰丰富的历史将通过一个专门为创意制作人服务的部分得到尊重。奥克兰的风味体现在结构上,它参考了现已关闭的埃斯特的轨道室,游客可以在那里聆听当地音乐家Fantastic Negrito从他的专辑《奥克兰的最后日子》中唱出的有力歌曲。

Chris Treggiari和Peter Foucault的移动艺术平台(MAP)项目 奥克兰再:建筑 揭示了奥克兰人在当前的建筑热潮中对城市景观变化的看法,展示了来自现场的反应,并要求参观者提供他们自己关于他们想建造的城市的想法。

通过实践活动和政治活动的展示,参观者将吸收社区的观点,表达他们对不断变化的社区的希望和关注。奥克兰版画家Michael Wertz Querido Galdo的海报将促使参观者创造他们自己的海报艺术,并在展览中展示。 

在展览的社区花园部分,来自安吉-威尔逊 的以纺织品为基础的雕塑和装置作品将代表有利于西奥克兰社区的有社会意识的商业实践。一个视频装置结合了企业和组织的观点,包括Acta Non Verba:青年城市农场项目的创始人凯利-卡莱尔 城市滑头农场的执行董事罗德尼-斯宾塞,通过城市耕作解决城市内部食物沙漠对健康有机食品的需求。 


奥克兰,我想让你知道 ......是由詹姆斯-欧文基金会拨款支持的,并得到了奥克兰博物馆妇女委员会和加州艺术委员会的额外支持。 

Chris Treggiari的艺术实践致力于研究艺术如何能够以一种能够连接各种社区中的广泛人群和邻里的方式渗透到公共领域。 克里斯专注于通过鼓励观众探索的参与式移动平台,突出不同的社区身份、共同的历史和个人故事。这些参与式平台往往需要创造性的方法,目的是把被动的观众变成主动的艺术创造者,在社区对话中参与分享他们的个人声音。  

克里斯在国际上工作和展览,包括2012年威尼斯双年展美国馆,以及在国内的托伦斯艺术博物馆、盖蒂博物馆、伯克利艺术博物馆、耶尔巴布埃纳艺术中心、圣何塞艺术博物馆、加州奥克兰博物馆,以及圣何塞的ZERO1双年展。克里斯获得了海雀基金会、旧金山艺术委员会、创意工作基金、圣何塞艺术委员会、西雅图中心基金会、奥克兰艺术委员会、美国银行和泽勒巴赫基金会的资助,仅此而已。 他的作品已经在《艺术有限公司》、《纽约时报》、《旧金山纪事报》等出版物上发表过评论,仅此而已。 克里斯目前是加州艺术学院艺术与公共生活中心的驻校教学艺术家。


All Power to the People: Black Panthers at 50
10月 8, 2016 – 2月 12, 2017
In Fall 2016, the Oakland Museum of California (OMCA) will present a major exhibition to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the Black Panther Party’s founding on 10月 15, 1966, in Oakland. Presenting a contemporary view of the Black Panther Party’s legacy from multiple perspectives, All Power to the People: Black Panthers at 50 will show how the Party continues to inspire culture, social activism, and community empowerment efforts locally, nationally, and internationally. Designed to create empathy and emotional resonance, the exhibition explores the Black Panther Party as a necessary, heroic, and human response to societal needs. Informed by insights from former Black Panthers, artists, scholars, and community members, the exhibition will feature art installations, historical photographs and media presentations, artifacts, and contemporary works of art.

Out of the Box: The Rise of Sneaker Culture
12月 22, 2016 – 四月 2, 2017
The first exhibition to explore the significance, complex design history, and evolution of sneakers, Out of the Box: The Rise of Sneaker Culture opens at the Oakland Museum of California in 12月 2016. Sneakers have long been a fashion staple and symbol of popular culture, worn by millions of people and transcending generations and socioeconomic status. Within the exhibition, visitors will view more than a 100 pairs of iconic sneakers from the 19th century to the present, including rare collectibles from the archives of brand-name manufacturers such as Adidas, Nike, and Reebok, and selections from renowned sneaker collectors—affectionately known as “sneakerheads”—including hip-hop legend Run DMC, sneaker guru Bobbito Garcia, and Dee Wells of Obsessive Sneaker Disorder. The exhibition will prompt visitors to reflect on sneakers as a representation of identity and sports fashion, while also incorporating community-inspired elements including what it means to be “Town-fitted” Oakland-style, a term developed to represent local fashion. Film footage, photographs, design drawings, and interactive media will showcase the history, technical advancements, fashion trends, and marketing campaigns that have played a role in the sneaker’s evolution. Out of the Box: The Rise of Sneaker Culture is organized by the American Federation of Arts and the Bata Shoe Museum. The exhibition is curated by Bata Shoe Museum Senior Curator Elizabeth Semmelhack with OMCA Curator of Public Practice Evelyn Orantes as the host curator.

Dorothea Lange: Politics of Seeing
5月 13 – 八月 13, 2017
Through the lens of her camera, Dorothea Lange documented 20th century life with riveting, intimate photographs that showed the major issues of the times. The emotional impact of her works continues to resonate with millions and illustrates the power of photography as a form of social activism. From documenting the plight of Dust Bowl migrants during the Great Depression to magnifying the grim conditions of incarcerated Japanese Americans during World War II, Lange’s photographs demonstrate how empathy and compassion, focused through art, can trigger political action. Dorothea Lange: Politics of Seeing presents approximately 100 photographs to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the artist’s gift of her personal archive to the Oakland Museum of California. Drawing upon vintage prints, unedited proof sheets, personal memorabilia, and historic objects, this exhibition takes a unique approach to a beloved American photographer by examining how her artistry and advocacy swayed minds and prompted significant change in this nation’s history.


Warriors Pride, Oakland Pride
Through Fall 2016
In celebration of the Golden State Warriors’ 2015 NBA Championship and 2015-16 record-breaking season with 73 wins, the Oakland Museum of California’s Warriors Pride, Oakland Pride installation includes 350 square feet of exhibition space in the Gallery of California History reflecting the community’s civic pride for Oakland and the team. Museum visitors will be given the exclusive opportunity to view special items provided by the Warriors Community Foundation, including a 2015 NBA Championship Ring lent to OMCA by Mayor Libby Schaaf and the City of Oakland, a jersey signed by the entire 2015 Championship team, a signed basketball by this year’s record-breaking 73-9 team, and sneakers worn by Warriors players Klay Thompson, Harrison Barnes, and Festus Ezeli. Interactive features will prompt visitors to reflect on and express why they are proud of Oakland and the Warriors.

Altered State: Marijuana in California
Through 9月 25, 2016
In Spring 2016, OMCA presents the first-ever museum exhibition to focus on marijuana in California today. Designed as a catalyst for conversation and reflection around the marijuana plant, its uses, evolving public attitudes, and the complex policy and social issues surrounding it, the exhibition explores the many ways that people consider cannabis, presented through the perspectives, knowledge, and opinions of a diverse range of community members and groups. With marijuana increasingly in the news, and California on the verge of making important decisions around marijuana that will impact people living in this state, the exhibition provides a community space where people can come together to learn, question, discuss, and add their voice to the different points of views surrounding this complex and evolving topic.

Bees: Tiny Insect: Big Impact
Through 6月 2017
This exhibition in OMCA’s Gallery of California Natural Sciences takes a look at the wildly diverse and intricate world of one of the most important creatures to human agriculture and the natural environment. Through family-friendly experiences, hands-on activities, and media, Bees: Tiny Insect, Big Impact touches on topics of honeybees and Bay Area beekeeping, the diversity of California native bee species, citizen science projects, and the similarities between bees and humans. Visitors will discover real bee specimens under a microscope, crawl through a human-sized beehive, and try on a beekeeper suit. In an immersive gallery environment, visitors can explore the causes of bee population decline, learn about the significance of bees to California’s economy and ecosystems, and discover how simple but powerful actions by Californians can help bees to survive in a changing world.

The Oakland Museum of California (OMCA) brings together collections of art, history, and natural science under one roof to tell the extraordinary stories of California and its people. OMCA’s groundbreaking exhibits tell the many stories that comprise California with many voices, often drawing on first-person accounts by people who have shaped California’s cultural heritage. Visitors are invited to actively participate in the Museum as they learn about the natural, artistic, and social forces that affect the state and investigate their own role in both its history and its future. With more than 1.9 million objects, OMCA is a leading cultural institution of the Bay Area and a resource for the research and understanding of California’s dynamic cultural and environmental heritage.

The Oakland Museum of California (OMCA) is at 1000 Oak Street, at 10th Street, in Oakland. Museum admission is $15.95 general; $10.95 seniors and students with valid ID, $6.95 youth ages 9 to 17, and free for Members and children 8 and under. OMCA offers onsite underground parking and is conveniently located one block from the Lake Merritt BART station, on the corner of 10th Street and Oak Street. The accessibility ramp is located at the 1000 Oak Street main entrance to the Museum. museumca.org


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