"来到加州 "是加州历史展览馆的首要主题,强调了许多人将这个州作为他们的家的深远影响。这个故事从原住民开始,一直延续到今天,来自世界各地的人越来越多地涌入。通过2,200件文物、艺术品、照片和更多的东西,追踪加利福尼亚人与彼此、环境和世界建立关系的方式。
黑人力量的拳头是一种骄傲的象征,也是对世界上被压迫人民的团结。奥克兰的 黑人社区在争取平等权利方面有着悠久的历史。每一代人都是在上一代人的工作基础上发展起来的。
美国的非裔美国人体育活动可以追溯到二十世纪初。尽管运动员们经历了种种反响,但他们仍继续用自己的声音和平台表达对社会不公和种族主义的不满。虽然有些人认为体育与政治无关,并鼓励运动员 "闭嘴比赛",但最近的运动员通过为受种族主义和歧视影响最严重的社区成员开发资源,将他们的行动主义推向了另一个高度。
历史每天都在发生,我们都在帮助塑造历史。历史现在"(History Now)是加利福尼亚历史展厅的一个 350 平方英尺的展区,在这个互动空间里,游客可以通过发人深省的提示和 OMCA 收藏的具有震撼力的历史物品进行评论和反馈。
Visit the “Hollywood” section of the gallery to design costumes, make your own animated cartoon, and create film sound effects in the “Foley” Studio. At the top of every hour, catch Legacy of Love and East Oakland Rising in the History Gallery Theater. Directed by Cheo Tyehimba Taylor, these two films speak about Oakland’s enduring legacy of social activism.
East Oakland Rising highlights the stories of everyday people coming together with collective determination to fight environmental racism, unfair housing policies, and gentrification in East Oakland. The documentary showcases a ten-year community-organizing journey and offers a valuable blueprint for the next generation.
Legacy of Love follows four mothers who in 1967, established the West Oakland Health Council, which later inspired the Black Panther Party’s free health clinics. With the help of physicians, social workers, and other volunteers, WOHC secured federal funds to build the first Black-led health center. Now known as Baywell Health, this organization continues to be a trusted hub serving the Bay Area’s Black communities nearly 60 years later.
In 一月 2024, NAGPRA regulations were revised to require consultation with and consent from affiliated Tribes before organizations can display human remains, funerary objects, sacred objects, and objects of cultural patrimony. As part of our long-standing and ongoing partnership, OMCA’s administration and our Native Advisory Council have reviewed the objects from Native American cultures that are on view in the galleries. These everyday items help to tell the important story of Native California life and history, and have been determined as permissible to share with the public. OMCA is committed to our continued collaboration with and work for Native communities, and will respect requests for display changes.