2022-2023 Impact Report
This year has been an exciting and dynamic one, and building community has remained at the forefront of our work. These past few years have heralded tremendous change and introspection, and OMCA received and met the call to have these deep, sometimes difficult conversations.
Now more than ever, we remain committed to fulfilling our mission to inspire all Californians to create a more vibrant future for our communities.
2021-2022 Impact Report
Here at OMCA, we work diligently to tell the many stories that comprise California, creating the space and context for greater connection, trust, and understanding between people.
Each year, we reflect and ask ourselves— have we moved the needle? How are we monitoring our progress? OMCA’s yearly Impact Report is one such way and we’d like to share it with you.
Our 2021–2022 Impact Report highlights our efforts including special exhibitions, our work with schools, a new installation designed for young children, and the new native plantings in our garden.
2020-2021 Impact Report
In March 2020, just before our planned 50th anniversary gala, the Covid-19 pandemic upended the Bay Area and the Oakland Museum of California was forced to close. Our organization, like the world around us, will be forever changed by this challenging year.
During this time, our OMCA community came through for us with support, generosity, and a collaborative spirit. Museum staff remained committed to serving our audiences at home and online. Fifteen months later, on June 11, 2021, we reopened our campus and welcomed you back.
Thank you for supporting OMCA and our collective resilience!