
加州奥克兰博物馆举办第23届 "死亡之日 "展览 2017年10月18日至2018年1月14日,10月22日举行社区庆祝活动

(加州奥克兰市) - 以帝王蝶的美丽、生命周期和脆弱性为喻,加州奥克兰博物馆(OMCA)第23届死亡之日 (D ías de los Muertos)展览《蜕变与迁移》 向逝者致敬,并在探索祖先的遗产和当今的移民故事中激励着生者。

该展览由Evelyn Orantes策划,将在OMCA的加州艺术画廊展出,展出几位知名艺术家的强大而感人的作品。极受欢迎的亡灵日社区庆祝活动,包括表演、家庭艺术实践活动、艺术和工艺演示、手工集市、节日食品供应商和其他特别节目,将于10月22日星期日上午11时至下午4时在整个博物馆场地和展览中举行。 蜕变与迁徙:亡灵日 由奥克兰博物馆妇女委员会提供部分支持。


在《蜕变与迁徙》中,参观者将探索由帝王蝶的迁徙以及传统和变革的主题所激发的阿伦达和艺术作品。展览包括OMCA收藏的很少见的蝴蝶标本,以及新委托的和熟悉的艺术作品。艺术家 刘虹 通过一系列深情的画作来纪念她母亲的去世。Favianna Rodriguez用她的 "迁徙是美丽的 "蝴蝶图像,以一种新的方式思考迁徙和移民问题。Chris TreggiariPeter Foucault向同事Alex Ghassan致敬,他在悲惨的幽灵船火灾中丧生。雕塑家费尔南多-埃斯卡蒂斯(Fernando Escartiz)提供了一个大型的纸塑骷髅,携带一个手提箱,象征着移民给他们的新土地带来的文化。在展览开幕前,杰特-马丁内斯(Jet Martinez)将在OMCA的橡树街广场上创作一幅壁画,以万寿菊和帝王蝶的庆祝活动欢迎所有参观者。

Bea Carrillo Hocker Rafael Jesús González创作的传统亡灵日祭坛,以及奥克兰国际高中 Thornhill小学的装置将为这个动荡时期的反思和赋权的公共空间注入活力。

10月22日的第23届亡灵日社区庆祝活动将有主舞台表演,从当代流行音乐到民俗舞蹈,从Mariachi到Aztec舞蹈。艺术品市场将突出OMCA商店和当地供应商的传统和现代服装、工艺品、艺术作品和食品。整个博物馆园区的祭坛装置将包括当地社区团体的贡献,包括学校、非营利组织和社区合作伙伴。突出湾区多样化美食的节日食品将由 "不联网 "供应商提供购买,而东湾自行车公司将提供自行车代客服务。

The Oakland Museum of California (OMCA) brings together collections of art, history, and natural science under one roof to tell the extraordinary stories of California and its people. OMCA’s groundbreaking exhibits tell the many stories that comprise California with many voices, often drawing on first-person accounts by people who have shaped California’s cultural heritage. Visitors are invited to actively participate in the Museum as they learn about the natural, artistic, and social forces that affect the state and investigate their own role in both its history and its future. With more than 1.9 million objects, OMCA is a leading cultural institution of the Bay Area and a resource for the research and understanding of California’s dynamic cultural and environmental heritage.

The Oakland Museum of California (OMCA) is at 1000 Oak Street, at 10th Street, in Oakland. Museum admission is $15.95 general; $10.95 seniors and students with valid ID, $6.95 youth ages 9 to 17, and free for Members and children 8 and under. There is a $4 charge in addition to general admission pricing for special exhibitions. OMCA offers onsite underground parking and is conveniently located one block from the Lake Merritt BART station, on the corner of 10th Street and Oak Street. The accessibility ramp is located at the 1000 Oak Street main entrance to the Museum. museumca.org


Question Bridge: Black Males
9月 29, 20172月 25, 2018

Hailed as one of the Bay Area’s Top Exhibitions in 2012 by the San Francisco Chronicle, Question Bridge: Black Males returns to the Oakland Museum of California this fall. Immerse yourself in intimate videos—woven together and arranged to simulate face-to-face conversations between participants—among a diverse group of 150 black men across the United States. Hear these men answer each other’s questions with exceptional honesty and vulnerability, and share stories, beliefs, and values in a personal portrayal of their lives. Encompassing themes of family, love, interracial relationships, community, education, and wisdom, Question Bridge: Black Males presents nuanced portraits of past, present, and future of black men in American society. Listen, watch, learn, and start your own conversations with this profoundly moving installation.


今年秋天,请体验《自然的礼物:人类、朋友和未知 》的世界首演这是一个令人眼花缭乱的沉浸式体验,带你穿过彩虹进入另一个世界。由FriendsWithYou--包括Samuel Borkson和Arturo Sandoval III在内的艺术家集体创作的独一无二的互动环境,这个大型的、充满灯光的装置激发了快乐和积极性,并为友谊、魔法和社会联系搭建了舞台。这是一个适合所有年龄段的舒缓的多感官体验,我们邀请你让你的感官迷失在这个充满想象力的异世界中。除正常的博物馆门票外,这个特别展览还需收费4美元。



尊重: 嘻哈风格与智慧

三月24-8月12, 2018

Hip-hop is one of the widest reaching cultural and social movements of the last 50 years. Discover the unexpected story of how hip-hop changed the world, starting from its roots on the streets, before rap, DJing, street art, breakdancing, and street fashion launched into mainstream popular culture. Learn about the West Coast’s and San Francisco Bay Area’s influences on this global phenomenon. Hear first-person accounts from artists and experts about how, beyond big business, hip-hop continues to provide a platform for creative expression, activism, youth development, and education. There is a $4 charge for this special exhibition in addition to regular Museum admission.

J.B. Blunk: Nature, Art & Everyday Life
四月 21–9月 26, 2018
Discover Northern California’s best kept secret in design and craft: J.B. Blunk (1926–2002), a mid-century artist whose connection to nature governed his daily life. Inspired by Japanese philosophies of nature and art’s inseparability, and influenced by rural utopian communities, Blunk’s muse and often his source of materials was the beautiful natural environment of Inverness, California. Blunk’s home property was his ultimate work of art, filled with his handcrafted furniture, ceramics, sculptures, and other functional objects used by his family. His remarkable craftsmanship also took the form of large-scale public works of art, including The Planet, a redwood sculpture commissioned by the Oakland Museum of California in 1969. J.B. Blunk: Nature, Art & Everyday Life brings together a comprehensive survey of the artist’s works. See Northern California’s landscape anew through Blunk’s eyes, and get inspired to find the beauty of nature and art in your own daily life.


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通过 10月22, 2017

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