

(加州奥克兰)2016年12月12日-加州奥克兰博物馆(OMCA)已准备好在1月和2月以令人激动的节目和活动阵容迎接新的一年。在1月20日启动的"周五之夜@奥克兰博物馆 "第五季中,与奥克兰博物馆社区重新见面。每周五下午5点至9点,利用半价门票来观看OMCA的画廊和展览。

1月21日,在OMCA的 "视角"活动中,黑豹组织的创始人之一Bobby Seale将与奥克兰诗人和艺术家Chinaka Hodge分享他的故事并思考政治格局。利用1月29日为期一天的 "白象 "预售活动,有机会在公开销售前率先购买大量商品。带上全家人一起参加OMCA的农历新年庆祝活动和其他亚洲传统活动: 2月12日是年。 欲了解更多信息,请访问museumca.org


Tour | Architecture of the Museum
星期日, 一月 8, 2017, 1 pm
Experience OMCA’s remarkable mid-century modernist landmark building with the guidance of the Museum’s expert members of the Council on Architecture. This tour shares with you just a few of the highlights of the incredible building, from views of Lake Merritt and downtown Oakland from atop a three-tiered roof garden to the serene Koi Pond, and a truly Californian indoor/outdoor design that still delights and attracts visitors today. Designed in 1969 by Kevin Roche, with landscaping by Dan Kiley, the Museum recently completed a major renovation and expansion project overseen by San Francisco-based firm Mark Cavagnero Associates, which honors Roche and Kiley’s original vision of a vibrant urban park and public space. Included with Museum admission. Meet in front of the Ticketing Desk on Level 2.

星期五 Nights @ OMCA: Season 5 Launch!
Every 星期五, 5–9 pm
一月 20, 27
2月 3, 10, 17, 24
Oakland’s popular weekly night market is back for a fifth season of fun and festivities! Join OMCA and Off the Grid on 10th Street every 星期五 starting 一月 20 for a taste of local music, food, art, and culture. Savor California beer, wine, and non-alcoholic beverages around the Koi Pond at the Blue Oak beer garden. Enjoy half-price admission, live music, hands-on activities for kids, a pop-up art market in the Redwood Burl area, and extended OMCA Store hours. Bring the whole family to OMCA for a sampling of the best in Bay area curbside cuisine.

Perspectives at OMCA | Two Generations of Black Struggle
星期六, 一月 21, 2017, 2 pm
The day after the new US President is sworn in, Bobby Seale, the co-founder of the Black Panther Party, will share his stories, his reflections, and his strategies of the politics of the revolution with Oakland poet, educator, playwright, and screenwriter Chinaka Hodge. Hear from these two speakers whose experience includes a range of cultural and political work as they share their perspectives on the past and present iterations of Black struggle in the US and Oakland. Seating is limited. Advance tickets required. Tickets are $18 for OMCA Members, $20 public. Gallery admission purchased separately.

White Elephant Preview Sale
星期日, 一月 29, 2017, 10 am–4 pm
The biggest and best rummage sale in Northern California is returning for its 58th year. The Preview Sale, a one-day event, offers an early chance to take home great finds, including clothing, jewelry, books, tools, arts, sports equipment, furniture, household items, and more. Held in a 96,000-square foot warehouse at 333 Lancaster Street, near the Oakland Estuary, the Preview Sale offers first dibs on great merchandise before the public sale on 三月 4 and 5. Organized and presented by the Oakland Museum Women’s Board, all sale proceeds benefit the Oakland Museum of California. Advance Preview Sale tickets are on sale at the OMCA Store, online, or through mail-in order form, available at WhiteElephantSale.org.   

First Sundays @ OMCA | 2月
星期日, 2月 5, 2017, 10 am–6 pm
If a Superbowl watch party isn’t your thing, come enjoy a day at OMCA! Visit the Galleries of California Art, History, and Natural Sciences. Visit major special exhibition All Power to the People: Black Panthers at 50 and the just-opened Out of the Box: The Rise of Sneaker Culture. Don’t miss family-friendly exhibition Bees: Tiny Insect, Big Impact in the Gallery of California Natural Sciences. Check out the Architecture Tour at 1 pm, and the California Art Tour at 2 pm. Pick up a treat for yourself or a loved one in the OMCA Store. Enjoy a lunch or snack in the Blue Oak café. Suggested donation: $5 per person. Your contribution helps us provide access to other visitors in the community.

Tour | Architecture of the Museum
星期日, 2月 5, 2017, 1 pm
Experience OMCA’s remarkable mid-century modernist landmark building with the guidance of the Museum’s expert members of the Council on Architecture. Built in 1969 with a design by Kevin Roche, and landscaping by Dan Kiley, the Museum recently completed a major renovation and expansion project overseen by San Francisco-based firm Mark Cavagnero Associates, which honors Roche and Kiley’s original vision of a vibrant urban park and public space. This tour shares with you just a few of the highlights of the incredible building, from views of Lake Merritt and downtown Oakland from atop a three-tiered roof garden to the serene Koi Pond, and a truly Californian indoor/outdoor design that still delights and attracts visitors today. Free as a part of First Sundays @ OMCA. Meet in front of the Ticketing Desk on Level 2.




加州奥克兰博物馆(OMCA)推出了 周五之夜@奥克兰博物馆一个每周五下午5点至9点的定期晚间系列活动,与以下机构合作 关闭电网:梅里特湖 @ OMCA-东湾的第一个大型食品卡车市场。周五晚上@OMCA的特点是延长博物馆的开放时间,画廊内的节目,蓝橡树咖啡馆的啤酒花园,现场音乐,舞蹈,家庭实践活动,以及更多。画廊门票对成人半价,18岁及以下的人免费博物馆车库的活动停车费为5美元:梅里特湖 @ OMCA。 星期五 Nights @ OMCA部分由美国银行、奥克兰博物馆妇女委员会、William and Flora Hewlett基金会和Koret基金会的慷慨支持实现。

加州奥克兰博物馆(OMCA)致力于成为湾区多代家庭参观、学习和参与的温馨活泼的地方,通过 OMCA家庭,在博物馆内开展艺术活动、讲故事和动手操作的项目。华侨大学的其他家庭友好服务包括在售票处提供免费的画廊家庭指南,在博物馆开放时提供免费的活动书籍和毯子 ,以及三个大型年度节日:2月的农历新年、8月与奥克兰公共图书馆举办的夏季阅读庆祝活动,以及10月的亡灵节庆祝活动。由伯纳德-奥舍基金会提供的儿童免费入场服务。 农历新年社区庆祝 活动部分由梅西百货和奥克兰博物馆妇女委员会的慷慨支持而实现。 museumca.org/family


博物馆的一般门票为15.95美元;老年人和持有有效证件的学生为10.95美元,9至17岁的青少年为6.95美元,8岁及以下儿童和会员免费。特别展览除普通票价外,还需支付4美元。OMCA提供现场地下停车场,并为博物馆的参观者提供验证服务,而且距离Lake Merritt BART车站只有一个街区,位于第10街和Oak街的拐角处,非常方便。无障碍坡道位于新的1000 Oak Street主入口处。正常工作时间为星期三至星期日上午11点至下午5点,星期五上午11点至晚上9点。Museumca.org


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