
加利福尼亚州奥克兰博物馆新展览的重点是历史性的 "我们所有人或没有人 "海报收藏

The Oakland Museum of California (OMCA) announces the special exhibition All of Us or None: Social Justice Posters of the San Francisco Bay Area, on view in the Museum's Great Hall 三月 31 through 八月 19, 2012. A companion to The 1968 Exhibit, All of Us or None is the first comprehensive exhibition to explore the poster renaissance that began in the Bay Area in the 1960s. 

Celebrating the recent acquisition of the renowned All Of Us Or None (AOUON) poster collection, OMCA presents the first comprehensive exhibition exploring the poster renaissance that started in the mid-1960s as both a legitimate art form as well as a powerful tool for public debate on social justice issues. Presented as a companion exhibition to The 1968 Exhibit, on view 三月 31 through 八月 the exhibition features 68 original political posters framed and traditionally hung, in addition to countless posters digitally printed at size and collaged to the gallery walls, a method similar to how they were originally displayed.

"The All Of Us Or None藏品是全国同类藏品中最重要的社会运动藏品之一--可与史密森学会、国会图书馆和胡佛研究所相媲美,"执行主任洛里-福加蒂说。"这次展览,结合 1968年的展览、 承诺将推动游客回到旧金山湾区历史上最激烈和最有趣的十年之一"。 

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