
Member Gallery Chats: The Art and History of Dorothea Lange

四月 13 from 12:00 pm 1:00 pm


This month’s Member Gallery Chat takes a deeper dive into the life and work of featured artist, Dorothea Lange. 

Dorothea Lange (1895-1965) documented American life with riveting, intimate photographs that captured the human face of major social issues of the 20th century. Best known for iconic images of migrant farmworkers during the Depression of the 1930s, her many other projects include photographs of Japanese American citizens incarcerated during World War II, community displacement, and the urban criminal justice system. Though rooted in historical events, Lange’s photographs make powerful connections to important themes and events of today. Above all, they demonstrate how empathy and compassion—focused through art— can sway minds and prompt change.  

Please join our knowledgeable and enthusiastic Member Gallery Chats  facilitators this second 星期六, 四月 13  from 12 to 1 pm,  for this special OMCA membership offering: The Art & History of Dorothea Lange.


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