

(OAKLAND, CA) 12月 22, 2016—In 5月 2017, the Oakland Museum of California (OMCA) will present a unique compilation of works by celebrated documentary photographer Dorothea Lange in a special exhibition titled Dorothea Lange: Politics of Seeing. On view in OMCA’s Great Hall, the exhibition will examine the life and work of Lange, including intimate photographs that illuminate the major social issues of the 20th century. From documenting the plight of the Dust Bowl migrants during the Great Depression to magnifying the incarcerated Japanese Americans during World War II, Lange’s photographs illustrate the power of photography as a form of social activism. The exhibition includes over 100 photographs, both well recognized and rarely seen, that reveal and re-establish the artist as a significant pioneer in photography as historical documentary and social activism.

“As the source of Dorothea Lange’s personal archive—which was gifted to OMCA 50 years ago—the Oakland Museum of California has the extraordinary opportunity to present a wide range of her works, including everything from notable images such as Migrant Mother and White Angel Breadline to rare prints and personal memorabilia,” says OMCA Curator of Photography and Visual Culture Drew Johnson. “This exhibition will present Lange’s work through an activist’s lens in which she provoked social and political change through her powerful imagery. It will also provide museum visitors the opportunity to see Lange’s works in a different light that stretches beyond fine art, as well as mimic her technique through interactives included in the exhibition.”

Through approximately 130 photographs including vintage prints and unedited proof sheets, as well as personal memorabilia, and historic objects, the exhibition examines how the beloved American photographer’s artistry and advocacy swayed minds and prompted significant change. Organized into seven sections, Politics of Seeing will highlight Lange’s works focused on the Great Depression, the Japanese Internment, World War II, and Postwar California, as well as a section on her early life, an interactive space, and a media room featuring film clips.

In addition, contemporary works by photographers Ken Light, Jason Jaacks, and Janet Delaney demonstrate the continuing inspiration of Lange’s vision, directly connecting to her legacy and current social and political issues such as homelessness, income inequality, racism, xenophobia, and immigration. Questions will prompt conversation and critical thinking around these increasingly relevant topics as part of the exhibition experience.  

An interactive space will explore activism in technique, where visitors can experiment with cropping, juxtaposition, and sequencing to make an image more or less persuasive. Quotes and questions from Lange and a selection of her images focusing on issues of power, authority, and race will be at the center of the activity, which will reflect on Lange’s method of working, demonstrating that individual choices can change the meaning of an image. A special media room will present film clips of Lange speaking about her work, as well as comments from people who knew her.

“Because the Oakland Museum of California houses extraordinary holdings of Lange’s archives as well as her art work, we have the singular opportunity to explore the artist’s photography in a way that has never been done before,” says OMCA Director Lori Fogarty. “OMCA is dedicated to presenting exhibitions that enable our visitors and our community to have transformative experiences through the power of stories, and there is no artist who better demonstrates powerful storytelling through art—or who has had amore profound impact through visual storytelling on our history and culture—than Dorothea Lange.”

The exhibition will be on view in the Oakland Museum of California’s Great Hall 5月 13 through 八月 13, 2017. Dorothea Lange: Politics of Seeing is supported in part by the Oakland Museum Women’s Board and the Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation.


第一个探索运动鞋的意义、复杂的设计历史和演变的展览,《跳出盒子》:运动鞋文化的崛起 》于2016年12月在加州奥克兰博物馆开幕。长期以来,运动鞋一直是时尚的主打产品和流行文化的象征,有数百万人穿着它,并超越了几代人和社会经济地位。在展览中,参观者将看到100多双从19世纪至今的标志性运动鞋,包括来自阿迪达斯、耐克和锐步等品牌制造商档案中的罕见收藏品,以及来自著名的运动鞋收藏家--人们亲切地称为 "运动鞋头"--包括嘻哈传奇人物Run DMC、运动鞋大师Bobbito Garcia和痴迷运动鞋障碍的Dee Wells。展览将促使参观者反思作为身份和运动时尚代表的运动鞋,同时还将纳入社区启发元素,包括奥克兰风格的 "Town-fitted "意味着什么,这是一个为代表当地时尚而开发的术语。电影镜头、照片、设计图纸和互动媒体将展示在运动鞋演变过程中发挥作用的历史、技术进步、时尚趋势和营销活动。 跳出框框:运动鞋文化的崛起是由美国艺术联合会和巴塔鞋业博物馆组织的。展览由巴塔鞋业博物馆高级策展人Elizabeth Semmelhack策划,OMCA公共实践策展人Evelyn Orantes担任主策展人。除了正常的博物馆门票外,这个特别的展览还需要收费4美元。

熟悉的符号,被翻转和 "阙如 "以创造新的共同意义,是这个展览的核心,它将加州当代艺术家的新作品与当地组织的创意实践配对。在绘画、雕塑和视频中,总部设在洛杉矶的艺术家Math Bass强调,符号会根据背景和方向而改变意义,而身体和它的服装无论实际存在还是只是暗示都是有意义的符号。在《超越巅峰:马特-巴斯和旧金山皇室法院》中,巴斯引人注目的作品与冠冕、权杖、肖像和印有旧金山皇室法院的皇后和皇帝徽章的旗帜一起被展示。这些君主每年选举一次,带头为这个另类社团进行慈善募捐,其核心支持者是变装皇后和LGBTQ社区的其他成员。在他们51年的历史中,帝国法院创造了自己的传统,以形成家庭和新的生存可能性。在这个展览中激活的 "越级 "符号将突出奇妙的创造性发明行为。参观者将得出新的联系,并在了解同时具有游戏性、政治性和颠覆性的做法时感到高兴和鼓舞。

多萝西娅-兰格通过她的相机镜头,用引人入胜的私密照片记录了20世纪的生活,展现了当时的重大问题。她的作品所带来的情感冲击继续引起数百万人的共鸣,并说明了摄影作为一种社会行动主义形式的力量。从记录大萧条时期沙尘暴移民的困境到放大二战期间被囚禁的日裔美国人的恶劣条件,兰格的照片展示了通过艺术关注的同情心和怜悯心如何能够引发政治行动。多萝西娅-兰格:看见的政治 "展示了大约100张照片,以庆祝艺术家将其个人档案赠予加州奥克兰博物馆50周年。这个展览利用古老的印刷品、未经编辑的样张、个人纪念品和历史物品,以一种独特的方式研究这位受人爱戴的美国摄影师,探讨她的艺术性和主张如何在这个国家的历史上摇摆不定并促使重大变革。除正常的博物馆门票外,这个特别展览还需收费4美元。


加州奥克兰博物馆(OMCA)在1966年10月15日黑豹党在奥克兰成立50周年之际举办了一次大型展览。从多个角度展示了黑豹党的遗产的当代观点,《人民的力量》:黑豹党50周年 》展示了该党如何在当地、国家和国际上继续激发文化、社会活动和社区赋权努力。展览旨在创造共鸣和情感共鸣,探讨黑豹党是对社会需求的必要、英勇和人性化的回应。根据前黑豹党人、艺术家、学者和社区成员的见解,展览以艺术装置、历史照片和媒体展示、人工制品和当代艺术作品为特色。

为了庆祝金州勇士队的2015年NBA冠军和2015-16赛季73胜的破纪录成绩,加州奥克兰博物馆的 "勇士的骄傲,奥克兰的骄傲 "装置包括在加州历史画廊的350平方英尺的展览空间,反映了社区对奥克兰和球队的公民自豪感。博物馆的参观者将有机会看到由勇士社区基金会提供的特殊物品,包括由利比-沙夫市长和奥克兰市借给奥克兰市的2015年NBA冠军戒指、由2015年冠军队全体队员签名的球衣、今年创下73胜9负记录的球队的签名篮球,以及勇士球员克莱-汤普森、哈里森-巴恩斯和费斯图斯-埃泽利穿过的运动鞋。互动功能将促使参观者思考并表达他们为什么为奥克兰和勇士队感到自豪。





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