
OMCA Announces Public Programs and Events for 11月 2023

Oakland Museum of California (OMCA) has announced its schedule of public programs for 11月, comprising a screening of Misty Copeland’s film, Flower, with a live dance performance by Babatunji Johnson and panel discussion, plus expanded Gallery Chats.

Spotlight Sundays: Film screening of Misty Copeland’s Flower with Dance Performance and Panel Talk

星期日, 11月 19, 10- 11:15 am
James Moore Theater
Tickets: $1-$30 sliding scale

Join us for a live dance performance, film screening and discussion about the power of arts in solving housing insecurity. This multi-disciplinary program begins with a solo performance by Babatunji Johnson, the dancer/actor featured in the film Flower, followed by a screening of the film, produced by and starring world-renowned ballerina and trailblazer Misty Copeland. Flower is a powerful story told through dance and movement, with a mission to bring critical attention to the housing crisis in the San Francisco Bay Area. The event concludes with an inspiring conversation between Johnson and local filmmaker and journalist Caron Creighton, who is currently directing a documentary about Oakland’s largest homeless encampment. The discussion will delve into issues of housing insecurity, art as a vehicle for change, and housing advocacy programs that center dignity and human rights. 

Join us for no-host 星期日 brunch in OMCA’s Town Fare after the program.

Gallery Chats at OMCA

Gallery Activation Hours are now Gallery Chats at OMCA!

Highlighting the informal approach to the traditional museum tour, Gallery Activation Hours are now Gallery Chats at OMCA. Visitors are invited to chat, ask questions, and connect in the galleries with our OMCA facilitators. OMCA facilitators combine content knowledge with lived experience to encourage meaningful dialogue and fresh interpretations of Special Exhibitions and our Galleries of California Art, History, and Natural Sciences.

Weekly Gallery Chats are every 星期六 from 1 to 3 pm and are included with Museum and Special Exhibition admission. No reservation necessary.

OMCA Members have access to special Gallery Chats every second 星期六 of the month from noon to 1 pm.

In addition to weekly 星期六 Gallery Chats and during the run of Into the Brightness: Artists from Creativity Explored, Creative Growth & NIAD, artists from the show will host Special Edition Gallery Activation Hours Noon to 1 pm every first 星期三.

OMCA Architecture Walk and Talk

First 星期日 of each month at 1 pm

Walk through OMCA’s landmark building and gardens with members of the Council on Architecture and learn about the history, design, and evolution of this award-winning structure with guides who are passionate about OMCA and Oakland.

星期五 Nights at OMCA Takes A Seasonal Break

As we enter the holiday season, 星期五 Nights at OMCA with Off the Grid (OTG) will begin its seasonal break. The final 星期五 Nights at OMCA with OTG of 2023 will be 10月 27. Oakland’s favorite weekly block party will resume in 四月 2024. During the 星期五 Nights break, OMCA will remain open to the public during the Museum’s regular business hours, including admission to special exhibitions, Into the Brightness: Artists from Creativity Explored, Creative Growth & NIAD and Por el Pueblo: The Legacy and Influence of Malaquías Montoya. Please visit our website museumca.org for details.

Currently On View

Por el Pueblo: The Legacy and Influence of Malaquías Montoya


探索奇卡诺艺术家马拉基亚斯-蒙托亚(Malaquías Montoya)的生活影响,他作为公共服务艺术家、活动家和社区领袖的遗产激励着奇卡诺社区内外的年轻一代。蒙托亚的海报、平面印刷品和壁画突出了政治和社会正义问题,在近五十年的时间里帮助确定了奇卡诺人的身份。

马拉基亚斯-蒙托亚的活动根基和社区纽带可以追溯到他作为一个农民工家庭的儿子的童年,以及他与家庭长辈、教师、艺术家等的亲密关系。Por el Pueblo:马拉基亚斯-蒙托亚的遗产和影响 》邀请参观者思考蒙托亚深入合作的艺术创作过程、对社区的关注以及跨代参与。

本次展览将通过照片、历史和家族简历、艺术家的早期作品以及受蒙托亚影响的多代艺术家(包括胡里奥-萨尔加多、伊莉丝-多伊尔-马丁内斯、莱斯利-洛佩斯、伊斯雷尔-坎波斯和阿雷利-埃尔南德斯)的当代艺术作品,探讨成为长者的意义。展出时间:2023 年 10 月 6 日至 2024 年 6 月 30 日。



与湾区三家深厚的机构合作,Into the Brightness:来自 Creativity Explored、Creative Growth 和 NIAD 的艺术家们的无数作品。从绘画到雕塑,再到多媒体,这些世界知名的艺术家们的作品充满了不可思议的力量、活力、幽默、复杂和欢乐。

Into the Brightness展示了来自艺术家们对世界的个人体验的各种动态视角。这个原创性的合作展览是十多年来最大的博物馆展览,参展艺术家来自三个当地组织--旧金山的 "创造力探索"、奥克兰的 "创意成长 "和里士满的NIAD(通过艺术发展培养独立能力)艺术中心。 

参展艺术家包括 Saul Alegria、Peter Cordova、Tranesha Smith-Kilgore、Marlon Mullen、Dorian Reid、William Scott、Dinah Shapiro、Nicole Storm 和 Marilyn Wong。展览将持续到 2024 年 1 月 21 日。



在新设立的 "OMCA 儿童:自然游戏空间"(OMCA Kids: Nature Playspace)里,小学员们可以尽情释放他们的好奇心和想象力该游乐空间位于加州自然科学画廊内,主要针对 2 至 5 岁儿童及其家人和看护人的独特需求。



About The Oakland Museum of California



The Oakland Museum of California (OMCA) is at 1000 Oak Street, at 10th Street, in Oakland. Museum admission is $19 general; $16 seniors and students with valid ID, $12 youth ages 13 to 17, and free for Members and children 12 and under. There is a $6 charge in addition to general admission pricing for special exhibitions in the Great Hall. OMCA offers onsite underground parking and is conveniently located one block from the Lake Merritt BART station, on the corner of 10th Street and Oak Street. An accessibility ramp is located at the 1000 Oak Street main entrance to the Museum.