(加州奥克兰) 2019年7月2日-今年夏天,加州奥克兰博物馆(OMCA)将推出一个充满活力和生动的公共节目阵容,包括五个特别的夏季活动和项目。
在OMCA的主要展览 "加州同性恋者"(Queer California:在8月11日关闭之前,公众将有最后的机会享受与展览相关的节目,包括 最后一次介绍我们的 流行的 变装家庭故事会在7月5日(星期五)。7月13日星期六,参观者可以体验 一个下午的歌曲、舞蹈、诗歌和来自湾区美国印第安人双重精神协会(BAAITS)的成员的现场表演。 庆祝故事:双灵艺术和表演。
在7月25日星期四,一个特别的LGBTQ+版本的Showga--结合瑜伽、现场音乐、视觉效果和芳香疗法--将在博物馆举行。在变性人瑜伽教练Sparkle Thornton带领的课程和Russell E.L. Butler的伴奏音乐之后,瑜伽者可以 瑜珈者可以留到很晚,以便独家进入 同性恋加利福尼亚 并享受来自同性恋者拥有的第三文化面包店的小吃,以及来自GT's Living Foods的康普茶,以及更多。
该博物馆的家庭友好型 第15届年度夏季阅读庆祝活动 与奥克兰公共图书馆合作,将于8月4日星期日在OMCA花园举行,有 杂技表演 ,游戏,手工艺,以及更多。 一个特别的夏季自行车游览 中港海岸线的活动,灵感来自于《向西推进》:安德鲁-J-拉塞尔的摄影 将于7月21日(星期日)和8月18日(星期日)举行。
欲了解更多细节和预售票(如适用),请访问 museumca.org.
家庭活动; 音乐活动; 社区活动; 艺术活动; 食品活动; 慈善活动; 同性恋活动
周五晚上在OMCA | 同性恋加州龙族家庭故事会
7月5日, 星期五
在特别版的家庭故事会中,请加入我们,在旧金山最受欢迎的变装皇后故事时间的Persia的带领下,阅读一些迷人的儿童书籍。. 我们在 加州同性恋者:不为人知的故事 这个精彩的表演,并享受点心、脸部绘画和彩虹旗制作工作坊。晚会结束时,将在OMCA花园中举行游行。
Tickets are $10 for general admission and $8 for Members. Ticket does not include gallery admission.
Celebrating Stories: Two-Spirits Art and Performance
星期六, 七月 13
2 – 4 pm
As part of Queer California: Untold Stories, join us for an afternoon of song, dance, poetry, and live performances with members from the Bay Area American Indian Two-Spirit (BAAITS), a community-based organization committed to activism and service for the Two-Spirit and ally communities of the Bay Area. Celebrate and learn more about BAAITS’ 20-year commitment to spiritual, cultural, and artistic expression in native and non-native communities.
BAAITS member collaborators include: Roger Kuhn, Amelia Vigil, and Ruth Villaseñor. Tickets are $10 for general admission and $8 for Members. Ticket does not include gallery admission.
Queer Showga
星期四, 七月 25
6 – 9 pm
Join us for a special LGBTQ+ edition of Showga, a concert on your yoga mat incorporating live music from Russell E.L. Butler, yoga by Sparkle Thornton, visual effects, lights, and aromatherapy. After class, stay late for exclusive access to OMCA’s Queer California: Untold Stories exhibition and enjoy donated snacks from queer-owned Third Culture Bakery, kombucha from GT’s Living Foods, and more.
Showga is a festive fusion event that partners with local musicians and yoga instructors to host wellness experiences in beautiful bars, venues, and alternative spaces. Founded in an underground Oakland music venue in 2011, Showga pops up at festivals, retreats, conventions, museums, and offices across the west coast. Sessions encourage intention-setting, presence, awe, and openness. Reset and reconnect to the wonder of being alive with this festive exploration of the senses!
Tickets are $45. A limited amount of yoga mats will be available to rent for $2 each. Showga delivery and yoga sequencing is accessible to people from all walks of life.
15th Annual Summer Reading Celebration
星期日, 八月 4
11 am – 3 pm
Don’t miss the 15th Annual Summer Reading Celebration with the Oakland Public Library! Meet your friends in the sunny gardens at OMCA and enjoy performances, games, crafts, and more. Bring the whole family for this summer bookstravaganza.
Enjoy thrills with the Circus of Smiles acrobatic performers, face painting, giant chess, and more. Try your hand at art activities, have your caricature drawn, and even get a free book.
Listen to Kamishibai, Japanese street theater and storytelling, by the Oakland Public Library and a fabulous storytime by local performers Drag King Vera and Drag Queen Coco Buttah, and enjoy a good read in the sun.
Presented in partnership with the Oakland Public Library, Our Family Coalition, and the California Historical Society.
在经验丰富的奥克兰市博物馆讲解员的带领下,通过骑自行车穿越奥克兰市多样而丰富的社区,来探索奥克兰市不同的社区。灵感来自于 推进西部:安德鲁-J-拉塞尔的摄影》的启发。自行车之旅的领队将探索奥克兰与早期铁路历史有重大关系的地点。加入我们的团队,探索南太平洋铁路的历史,普尔曼搬运工职业的丰富遗产,以及围绕西太平洋和南太平洋铁路公司的争论。
星期五 Nights at OMCA
Every 星期五 from 5 – 10 pm
七月 5, 12, 19, 26
八月 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
Cheers to summer weekends! Chill with us at 星期五 Nights at OMCA and enjoy late-night gallery access, Off the Grid food truck market, live music and dance, hands-on art activities, and so much more. Explore the Museum’s 110,000 square feet of gallery space until 10 pm, including hands-on exhibitions with interactive activities for the whole family. Bring friends and family for a taste of local music, food, and culture at the Oakland Museum of California every 星期五 Night!
The Oakland Museum of California (OMCA) presents 星期五 Nights at OMCA, a weekly evening series every 星期五 from 5 to 10 pm, in partnership with Off the Grid: Lake Merritt at OMCA—the first major food truck market in the East Bay. 星期五 Nights at OMCA features extended Museum hours, in-gallery programming, a beer garden from Blue Oak café, live music, dancing, hands-on family activities, and more. Outdoor performances are free and accessible to all, including OMCA’s Go Local stage, featuring top Bay Area musicians and performers. Gallery admission is free for Members and ages 8 and under. Event parking in the Museum garage is $7. 星期五 Nights at OMCA is presented in partnership with Off the Grid: Lake Merritt at OMCA. 星期五 Nights at OMCA is made possible in part by generous support from Bank of America, the Oakland Museum Women’s Board, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and the Koret Foundation. museumca.org/fridaynights
The Oakland Museum of California (OMCA) is committed to being a welcoming and lively place for multi-generational Bay Area families to visit, learn, and engage through OMCA Family, with art activities, storytelling, and hands-on, drop-in projects throughout the Museum. OMCA’s other family-friendly offerings include free Family Guides to the Galleries available at ticketing desks, free activity Books & Blankets available for check-out anytime the Museum is open, and three large annual festivals: Lunar New Year in 2月, the Summer Reading Celebration in 八月 with the Oakland Public Library, and the Days of the Dead Celebration in 10月. OMCA Festivals are made possible in part by generous support from the Oakland Museum Women’s Board and the Koret Foundation. Supporters of the 2019 Summer Reading Program are: Friends of the Oakland Public Library, Fentons Creamery, Hellman Foundation, Kenneth Rainin Foundation, The Bernard Osher Foundation, and the William G. Gilmore Foundation. Free admission for children provided by the Bernard Osher Foundation. The Lunar New Year Community Celebration is made possible in part by generous support from Macy’s and the Oakland Museum Women’s Board. museumca.org/family
The Oakland Museum of California (OMCA) tells the many stories that comprise California, creating the space and context for greater connection, trust, and understanding between people. Through its inclusive exhibitions, public programs, educational initiatives, and cultural events, OMCA brings Californians together and inspires greater understanding about what our state’s art, history, and natural surroundings teach us about ourselves and each other. With more than 1.9 million objects, OMCA brings together its multi-disciplinary collections of art, history, and natural science with the first-person accounts and often untold narratives of California, all within its 110,000 square feet of gallery space and seven-acre campus. The Museum will celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2019 as a leading cultural institution of the Bay Area and a resource for the research and understanding of California’s dynamic cultural and environmental heritage for visitors from the region, the state, and around the world.
The Oakland Museum of California (OMCA) is at 1000 Oak Street, at 10th Street, in Oakland. Beginning 四月 3, Museum admission will be adjusted to $16 general; $11 seniors and students with valid ID, $7 youth ages 9 to 17, and free for children 8 and under and Museum Members, and there will be a $5 charge in addition to general admission pricing for special exhibitions. OMCA offers onsite underground parking, with validation for Museum visitors, and is conveniently located one block from the Lake Merritt BART station, on the corner of 10th Street and Oak Street. The accessibility ramp is located at the new 1000 Oak Street main entrance. Regular hours are 11 am to 5 pm, 星期三 through 星期日, 11 am to 9 pm Fridays. museumca.org
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